Contact Us
St James' Church of England Primary Academy
Address: Pokesdown Hill, Christchurch Rd, Boscombe, Bournemouth BH7 6DW, United Kingdom
Telephone : 01202 426696
Email :
Opening Times : Open from 8:30am until 4.30pm every day
We hope this site will provide you with much of the information that you are looking for. We are always happy to show new people around our academy, however if you would like to contact us for any reason then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Office Team : Your call is likely to be answered by either Mrs Gibson, Mrs Hughes or Mrs Paul.
- Enquiries about school business should be addressed to the School Business Manager at the academy address and phone number.
- Enquiries about learning should be addressed in the first instance to the child’s class teacher.
- Enquiries to the Headteacher should be addressed to Mr Alastair Brown.
- Enquiries to the Chair of Governors should be addressed for the attention of Mrs Leanne Dixon-Box and left in the school office at the address above.
- Enquiries about SEN provision should be addressed to Mrs Charlotte Price, Inclusion Leader, again through the school office.
- Parents can request a paper copy of any information provided on the academy website for free by contact the academy office.
Contact Form
How to find us
Academy Trust
Academy Trust: St. James’ Primary Academy is part of the Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust (DCAT).
Further information about DCAT, including its Members and Directors and statutory information can be found on the following website:
The Trust’s financial and governance statements can be viewed using the following link:
Academy Trust address: Diocese of Chichester Academy Trust, Church House, 211 New Church Road, Hove, East Sussex, BN3 4ED
Academy Trust phone : 01273 425001