Year 1
Week beginning 20th January
What a busy week we have had this week in Year 1! The week started with Forest School which the children all loved, especially toasting marshmallows on the campfire (check out some pictures in 'Year 1 photos'!)
Please remember that this will be taking place every Monday of this half term. Please ensure your child is in PE kit and has a warm, waterproof coat. They are welcome to bring wellies or other shoes to change into if they wish.
In English this week, the children have learned about the features of a postcard this week and planned their own postcard to send to Mr Brown. We can't wait to see their writing next week.
As part of our 'Explorers Assemble' project, the children have explored atlases and learned the 7 continents of the world, ask your child if they can remember the song to sing to you at home!
We rounded the week off today with the Treehouse Theatre's pantomime in the church, oh yes it did! The children had such a wonderful time and there were lots of laughs to be had.
Preparations have begun for our class worship on Tuesday 6th February at 9am. If your child has come home with lines to learn, please help them to practise to ensure that they feel confident on the day.
We will also be having a Phonics and Reading workshop for parents on Tuesday 28th January, this will be an opportunity to find out more about reading and phonics in school and how to support your child at home. There will be time to work with the children on some activities which you could try at home too.
Next week, we are looking forward to our workshop with Frogs Drama on Tuesday morning!
Thank you for your continued support,
Mrs Allery, Mrs Stoodley & Mrs Samtani
The worship theme this week is: Hope
Learning this week:
English - We will be writing our postcards to Mr Brown based on the plans we have made.
Maths - We will be working on number bonds to 10 to build fluency, before moving on to learning about composition of numbers from 10-100 later this term.
Phonics - We will be learning 'ow' and 'oe' saying /oa/ eg: grow and toes.
Art - We will begin to practise our skills at making structures based on the work of Anthony Gormley.
Home Learning:
My Maths and Numbots log ins are stuck into the front of your child's Reading Record. We would love to see more children logging into Numbots, it is a great resource and a fun way for your children to build fluency in maths. Please speak to your child's teacher if you need any support with this.
Phonics: TwinklGo - Type TwinklGo into your browser. Type the following code RA5690. You will find some phonics games which you can play with your children to support their phonics learning. If you play Level 5 games please select week 1-10 as this will link with what we have been learning in class.
We have also attached some information and further home learning at the bottom of this page focusing on the new graphemes we have been learning this year.
Additional help with reading/phonics:
If you are wondering how you can provide general support for your child at home, our advice is to hear them read as often as possible. Please do not worry if your child brings home the same book from time to time- this is to gain confidence and fluency before moving onto different sounds in other books.
We also have an excellent link to some high quality texts that you may want to consider when choosing children’s books to read or buy!
Additional Maths:
By the end of Year 1, children are expected to:
- count forwards and backwards in ones to 100
- be able to count in 2s, 5s and 10s
- find one more and one less than a given number up to 100
- recognise the value of all coins
- know number bonds (numbers that add together) to total 10 and 20.
These are excellent skills to be practising at home, although we stress that they will be covered over the course of the school year.
It is really important to put children’s names in all their clothes, on packed lunch boxes, water bottles, coats etc- otherwise they do not go home with the correct child. We already have some unclaimed and unnamed items from this week. If you could all check that all items are named, we would really appreciate it.
Please could water bottles be placed into a plastic bag in their school bag to protect school reading books. All water bottles must only contain water and NOT squash please.
Please note, our fruit at school is delivered on a Monday, but sometimes later in the day. Please could you provide your child with a snack on a Monday to avoid them getting hungry if our fruit has not been delivered.
It is getting colder and we have had a few rainy days too. Please can you try to ensure the children all have a coat with them, as we do outside, even if it is a little wet or cold.
Key Dates:
Monday 13th January- Forest school Mondays begin (please wear PE kit every Monday through this half term)
Tuesday 21st January- FROGS Drama workshop
Tuesday 28th January - Year 1 Reading and Phonics Workshop - 2-3pm
Thursday 6th February- Year 1 Class Worship in the hall at 9am (Bourne & Stour)
Key Information:
Please wear PE kits on a Wednesday and Monday.
Best wishes,
The Year 1 Team
Mrs Allery, Mrs Stoodley and Mrs Samtani