Year 3
Week beginning 10th February
Our final week! This term has flown by. We are so proud of how far the children have come this term and so pleased to have done such fun activities, such as pizza making and our passover workshop.
This week Bengal class have their worship on Thursday. We are looking forward to showing you how hard they have worked on their performance!
Bengal class - Remember to send in your pictures of you showing love for our worship. Please send these into the office.
Worship theme
Love Valentine’s Day 14th February.
Relationship with Others
What is the greatest commandment ( most important) that Jesus gave us?
Jesus said “Love the Lord your God and Love your Neighbour as yourself”. Mark 12:31
What does God say about relationships?
1 Peter 4:8: “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins." Ephesians 5:21: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." Ephesians 4:32: “Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."
This weeks learning:
English - We will be writing our own poems inspired by 'What is Pink?' by Christina Rossetti
Maths - We will be learning how to add/subtract lengths and how to calculate perimeter
Science - We will be learning how muscles and joints work in the human body
Art - We will be creating our final piece inspired by Pablo Picasso
Computing - We will be learning about branching databases.
Handwriting - How to correctly link gg in cursive.
Our new class book:
Spelling words of the week:
Please look below for our termly spelling overview.
Please note that this term's project homework is at the bottom of the page.
The children will receive their homework sheets this week. Please choose at least two tasks to complete over the course of our project. The children are welcome to complete more if they wish. We look forward to seeing what they produce in our homework museum on the Monday 21st October 2024.
We also encourage children to practice our weekly spellings at home as well as the Y3/4 common exception words.
We would love to see Year 3 using their extra time at home to read some brilliant books. If children read three times at home, they get a raffle ticket. Please therefore keep a quick record in reading logs – your children can write the title in to help! We would also like to encourage children to bring their reading records into school everyday.
Additional resources
Below are some other resources that you can use for optional work at home:
Recommended reading list:
English reading activities:
English reading activities should consist of reading an extract or short story and answering questions. Guidance here:
- All activities through this link
- What are facts and opinions?
- What does an author do?
- What is inference?
- All activities through this link
TTRS should be the main way the children use to practice their timetables. Children should still be completing 3 soundchecks and 2 garage bands a week.
However, if they would like a change or to focus on particular tables, they can use hit the button. - This website is a good resource to find fun games for the children to play with age ranges specified.
Many thanks for all of your support,
Miss Finnigan and Mrs Talbot