Pupil Premium
What is The Pupil Premium?
The Pupil Premium is money from the government, designed to help students who are currently registered for Free School Meals, or who have been registered for Free School Meals within the last 6 years, to do well at school. The children of Armed Forces families, and young people who are In Care are also eligible for Pupil Premium funding.
At the start of each financial year, we will publish, on our academy website, an outline of how we intend to spend our Pupil Premium for the coming year and, at the end of each year, we publish details of how the money was spent, with a brief report on the impact of this spending.
We offer all children entitled to the Pupil Premium, access to free school milk at break time each day. The school uses money from the PPG to pay for this milk.
Any new pupils joining the academy and entitled to the grant, should complete a reply slip requesting the milk upon entry to the school. Please speak to the academy office for further details.
Further information about the Pupil Premium can be found in the links displayed below: