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Wonderful Writing from Term 1: 2024/5

St James' Writing Blog: Term 1

We are so proud that we have so many children at St James' that love to write!

We have created this blog to showcase some of the incredible pieces of work that our children have created.

Year 6

Last term, Year 6 were studying the book 'Mortal Engines' by Phillip Reeve. This science fiction book focuses on the character Hester Shaw who emerges as the only one who can stop the city of London (now a giant predator on wheels) from devouring everything in its path. After studying the text in their Destination Reader lessons, the children used the story to develop their own writing skills. They looked into how Phillip Reeve creates a descriptive setting and evaluated how they could magpie his strategies into their own writing. They also studied his ability to describe characters in a way that creates a vivid picture in the readers mind.

In 'Mortal Engines', the cities are traction cities on wheels. The children created their own traction cities in DT lessons and then used this a stimulus for writing their own chapters of the story.

The Y6 teachers were so impressed with the quality of writing that they created their own class book to display in the classrooms.

                                      Chloe                                                                                                 Lyla


Quotes from other Y6 children

'As the freezing cold wind flew through the dark, blustery landscape, the tiny mining town got ready to flee'

'It was a cold, blustery morning. Helster was scanning the horizon of the dried out bed of the North Sea.   Suddenly, she spotted a colossal machine edging closer and closer. Helster gazed in panic. "I've got to warn the others!" she whispered.'

'The captain of Salthook, a tiny but happy town, Helster glanced through her fragile yet resilient telescope and stared without a blink of an eye on to the dry, desolate wastelands'




Year 3

For Year 3, their topic last term was Anglo-Saxons. Within this topic, the children learned all about who the Anglo-Saxons were, where they came from and how they changed Britain once they arrived. After lots of research, the children discovered that Anglo-Saxons preferred to live in villages and close to coasts and woods so that their key resources were readily available. After learning all this in History lessons, the children transferred this knowledge into their English writing. They learned all about non-chronological reports and decided to create one on a fictional Anglo-Saxon village that they decided to name 'Jamesford'.

The children wrote out their sections in English books and edited them independently. Once this was done, they wrote out their work in neat, ready to be published. The Year 3 teachers were so blown away by the incredible writing that they created a display to showcase the writing. They then added the rest of the reports to washing lines in the classrooms.

Here are some outstanding examples for you to take a closer look at.






Our youngest members of the St James' family have been introduced to the world of writing!

Over the week where Bonfire night was celebrated, the children began to write sentences about what colours they could see in fireworks. We are so proud of our newest little authors!

                    Thelma                                                       Norah                                                       Joshua   


Year 4

As part of their 'Survival' project, the children in Year 4 were reading 'You vs the World' by Bear Grylls. While reading this book, the children became fascinated with the author and wanted to find out as much as they could about him. The children were introduced to biographies and their features, which led to them deciding to write one about Bear Grylls. We are so happy with the work that the produced and how much effort they put in to the writing and research.

                                       Dexter                                                                                 James



Year 1

At the beginning of last term, our children in Year 1 learnt all about senses in their science lessons. The children went on a walk around the school and worked together to identify what they could see, smell, touch and hear. They decided to write some sentences about what they had learned.


Year 2

Year 2 spent last term learning all about story writing. They developed their ability to identify and use exciting adjectives and verbs to level up their writing. We were so proud of how hard they worked when writing these stories and how much brilliant vocabulary the children used.  We are also super impressed with how far Year 2 have come with their handwriting and ensuring their books are presented as neatly as possible.

                                     Samwell                                                                                       Freya


Year 5

Year 5 had the very exciting topic of Ancient Greece last term where they learnt all about the mystical and mysterious myths and legends that came from that time. In Destination Reader lessons, the children read the book ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’ by Maz Evans, which helped them develop their understanding of Gods and Goddesses with help from other foundation lessons. With a focus on setting and character, the children wrote some myths themselves. The children even had a chance to write some myths on laptops and print out their work.

We are super proud of all of our newest Ancient Greece experts!

                                     Finley                                                                                                 Harvey

                                      Arthur                                                                                             Harriet