Diocese of Chichester Multi Academy Trust
St James’ is proud to be an academy that is sponsored by the Diocese of Chichester Multi Academy Trust.
This page explains what the Trust Board do and who they are:
The Trust Board has has published statutory documentation which can be found here:
The Local Governing Body (LGB) of St James’ Primary Academy
Mrs Leanne Dixon-Box
Chair of Governors
Mrs Alison Hubbard
Vice Chair & Safeguarding Governor
Rev Rachel Nöel
Ex-officio Foundation Governor
Mrs Alison Stopler
Staff Governor
Dr Roberta King
Community Governor
Mrs Tamara-Eugenia Baleanu
Community Governor
Mr Alastair Brown
Ex-officio (Headteacher)
Mr Dan Hill
Community Governor
Mr Ben Jackson
Parent Governor
Mr Brian Townshend |
The Local Governing Body meet in full at least six times a year. Governors are regular visitors to classrooms and have links with classes and key subject or responsibility leaders in the academy. The role of governors is to challenge, support and act as a critical friend to drive forward the strategic development of the academy, with similar guidance, challenge and support from the Trust Board.
A sub-committee meet as required to review decisions on staff pay.
The LGB members aim to encompass the academy’s mission statement in everything that they consider:
‘As a Church of England academy we aim to provide a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum for all our pupils, set firmly within the guiding principles of a Christian education. Each child is considered to be a unique person whose individual talents and potential must be fully developed. Everything in school is designed to promote the highest standards of spiritual, academic, moral and social education. We aim to provide an ethos in which pupils can learn and be safe and happy, as well as providing a firm and lasting foundation of knowledge and values to serve them as they grow up and take their place in the society of the twenty-first century’.
Details of our governors’ names, category, the body that appoints them, their term of office and positions of responsibility can be found below, alongside any business interests and meeting attendance details.
To contact the Governing body please email